nature’s cathedral

Katie Pezzutto
1 min readJul 17, 2022
Photo by Derek Story on Unsplash

The silence is deafening

a thunderous void of unchained, unnecessary thoughts and worries

fade to memory

as I stand outside and watch fireflies worship at nature’s cathedral.

Deep-forest harmonies intertwine

and echo off the placid lake.

Loons trill into the stillness of the night

on and off an effervescent symphony of neon bug lights express their

gratitude without words

because words are substituted by simply being

they aren’t needed

in nature’s cathedral.

Not judged they do not judge

gentle giants of the dark hang silently sparkling

stars of the night sky with no need to prove their right

to take a seat in nature’s cathedral.

Centuries-old oak and fir

strong way before my time

stand in guardianship of Creator’s truth to which they align

and stretch towards the home of the Rider of the wind.

They know their place in nature’s cathedral

just as today, so do I.



Katie Pezzutto

I care about empowering women. Especially women who have been harmed by the Christian church.